We provide products and services certification in Bangladesh. The benefits of ISO certifications are they will help you to stand out in a competitive market.

ISO Certification is a standard that assures the quality of products and services. Bangladesh is one of the countries that has ratified ISO 9001:2015, which is the most recent version of ISO 9001. This is a significant step in ensuring that the quality of their products and services meet the expectations of their customers. In addition, they have also made strides in improving their management system and working towards becoming a more sustainable economy.


B-ADVANCY provides global sustainable business services. We offer system certification and assessment, occupational development training, environmental engineering and sustainability, consulting, and market research and activation services in Bangladesh.


By providing our clients with industry-leading business solutions wherever they're needed, we're taking proactive steps to enhance their business practices and ensure sustainability. Our sustainable business services have measurable value for their business operations.


Certification We Offer

Certification We Offer


The Benefits of Being Certified

Many people don't know why certification is important. Certification allows companies to be considered an "international norm" in their industry. By doing so, they can enjoy better customer service, higher competition, and greater market share. Additionally, by meeting certain standards, companies can reduce the risks associated with international business.


✅ Saving time and money
✅ Increased safety
✅ Improving quality control
✅ Reduced environmental impact
✅ Increase in customer satisfaction
✅ Better performance


How to Get Certification in Bangladesh

You need a certification body to get any kind of certification in Bangladesh. There are a few certification bodies in Bangladesh, so you need to select the right one that provides smooth processing for your business. As a certification company, B-ADVANCY Certification Limited has an excellent reputation and accreditation for the easy iso certification process or steps.


Requirements for Certification

The following documents are generally required for a ISO Certificate in Bangladesh:

✅ Legal licenses, including trade licenses, factory licenses, fire licenses, and environmental clearances

✅ Required registrations and NOCs

✅ BSTI approval for food or other related items

✅ SOPs, Policies, and Procedures for the Department

✅ Vision, mission, goals, and objectives

✅ Meetings related to standards and internal audits


How To Apply for ISO Certification in Bangladesh

An organization in Bangladesh that wants to obtain a Certificate first needs to determine which type of Certificate they need. Because Certificate requirements differ from one organization to another, the needs of the organization must first be identified. B-ADVANCY Certification Ltd can help you to get easy certification for your company or organization.

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