B-ADVANCY has a robust and proven methodology for conducting audits and assessments in Bangladesh. We follow a structured framework that can be easily tailored to specific requirements and compliance requirements.

B-ADVANCY has a robust and proven methodology for conducting audits and assessments in Bangladesh. We follow a structured framework that can be easily tailored to specific requirements and compliance requirements. B-ADVANCY manages assessments and supports audits for a wide range of objectives like scoping, planning, defining, and executing assessments and supporting audits. We use Symphony to guide and control the delivery of our audit and assessment services. We provide Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) and project oversight for specific applications or systems. Our services enable organizations to understand where their projects and programs really stand, where potential hazards exist, and what causes them. To address challenges or gain an advantage, we gather actionable intelligence and create specific, prioritized steps. We address the underlying issues of your business. Our goal is to determine whether desired results were achieved and whether issues were resolved.


What are Audit and Inspection?

Organizations use audits and inspections to ensure compliance with regulations, policies, and procedures. Audits help organizations assess their financial statements for accuracy and identify potential financial risks. Similarly, inspections are conducted to identify any potential noncompliance with laws and regulations by an organization.



Organizations need audits and inspections to ensure that they are operating legally and responsibly. Good internal control cannot be replaced by audits and inspections. Violations of laws and regulations should be prevented and detected by strong internal controls. Moreover, audits and inspections should be conducted regularly to ensure compliance.


The Benefits of Audit and Inspection

The benefits of audit and Inspection are manifold. In Bangladesh, it is essential for government entities to ensure that their systems are in compliance with the laws and regulations. The Inspection process can provide agencies with valuable insights into how their operations are performing, helping them to make better decisions and improve efficiency. Additionally, audits can help to identify potential problems early on, allowing for resolution before they cause significant damage.



Audit and Inspection We Offer



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