B-ADVANCY offers Environmental and Social Services following International standard guidelines and specific regulatory/buyers requirements like IFC, World Bank, ADB, USAID, DoE, the Higg Index, etc. For organizational sustainability.

B-ADVANCY offers Environmental and Social Services following International standard guidelines and specific regulatory/buyers requirements like IFC, World Bank, ADB, USAID, DoE, the Higg Index, etc. For organizational sustainability.

Importance of Environmental Service in Your Business
The importance of environmental service in a business can be seen from any perspective. From the standpoint of employees and customers, environmental service is an important part of any business. It helps to reduce environmental impact and protect the environment. From a financial standpoint, it can help company owners to save on costs associated with environmental cleaning up. In Bangladesh, where the environment is often stressed, businesses that take environmental service seriously can have a positive impact on the country's environment and economy.

Benefits of Environmental Service

Improves the Environment of Previously Developed Land.
Produces Favorable Results.
Protects Future Human Health.
Provides Knowledge for Future Decision-Making.
Gives You Integrated Expertise.
Improves Productivity of the Land.
Gives Ecosystems a Boost.

Environmental Monitoring Testing:

▶️ Ambient Air Quality
▶️ Air Emission /Stack Emission
▶️ Indoor Air Quality
▶️ Ambient & Indoor Noise Monitoring
▶️ Ozone Depleting Agents (ODS) Inventory
▶️ GHG Inventory
▶️ Volatile Organic Substances(VOC)
▶️ Humidity and Temperature Measurement
▶️ Light Intensity Assessment
▶️ Waste Water & Drinking Water Sampling and Analysis

Environmental Consultancy:

▶️ Conducting Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA)
▶️ Conducting Initial Environmental Examination (TEE)
▶️ Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
▶️ Preparing Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
▶️ Conduct Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
▶️ Carry out the development & Implementation of the Environmental & Social Action Plan (ESAP)
▶️ Conducting EHS Risk Assessment
▶️ Conducting Annual/ Semi-Annual Environmental Audit
▶️ Preparing enthralling Environmental Report (Quarterly/ Annual/ Semi-Annual Environmental Monitoring Report)
▶️ Preparing Environmental Safeguard & Status Report
▶️ Assessing Climate Change Impact/ Risk Assessment
▶️ Developing Climate Change Adaptation/ Mitigation Plan
▶️ Preparing Climate Risk Management Plan
▶️ Carrying out Aspect & Impact Assessment
▶️ Carrying out Chemical Hazards and Risk Management
▶️ Developing SLUDGE Management & Disposal System
▶️ Conducting Carbon/GHG Accounting and Management
▶️ Facilitating Training, Documentation & Implementation of Higg Index FM 3.0
▶️ Facilitating Training on International and National Environmental Regulations
▶️ Facilitating Training on Environmental Impact Assessment following IFC, World Bank, ADB, USAID, DOE etc. standards
▶️ Facilitating Training on Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
▶️ Facilitating Training on Environmental Monitoring

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